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Change is the only constant thing, and the world today is undergoing a dramatic process of change that will produce a new order, which seems imminent. In times of transformation many succumb because humans tend to feel comfortable with what is familiar.
Therefore, only those who are sufficiently flexible and adaptable, assume variations and the continuous learning process that allows them to move forward.
I must confess that, as far as I’m concerned, it’s easier said than done. I had a hard time learning to go with the flow. Specially in the last 6 or 7 years, from when I decided to pursue my own business and take all that that entails.
The benefits are countless, and that’s why, most dream of being their own boss sometime in their life. But the responsibility and the risks are many, something I’ve learned on the way.
Having to pay everyone before me, finance operations to stay afloat, having to do with each and every one of the processes, were some of the many things that I faced.
But all that I faced initially with much fear, and that with the passing of the years have become my everyday life, I have learned that when you have your goals clear, work with determination, you stick to your values and give the all out to satisfy your customers, you have secured the road to success, despite setbacks.
I do not deny that when I was doing fieldwork, messaging and dozens of other things that I did not do in a while, I missed my old management position, surrounded by sycophants that did not care for me, but what I stood up for.
But I stayed focused on the goal, because despite all that, the satisfaction I got every day by receiving pay on my own field and to know it was working according to my financial freedom, were inducements enough to get by.
With all this I learned that only by assuming change we can grow, change, adapt, improve, expand our horizons. And therefore be the best human being we can become.
Great entrepreneurs, who have set an example and inspired throughout history, have challenged what’s established and that’s why they managed to transcend.
It’s tempting to stay in the known. But if we do not strive to grow on our own, life will take care of pushing us. And it’s not always a pleasant experience if you are not prepared.
Plan your life. Define your goals and put a date. And every day, take small steps to achieve them. By challenging yourself you will produce the changes you need to grow.
It is an ongoing process that occurs throughout life. It is unstoppable and permanent. But beautiful and rewarding.
Have a good trip.
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